Tuesday 3 June 2008

Moby: DJing made work fun again

MOBY - Last Night Rating *** 1/2
WITH five hit albums under his belt, Moby got bored.

Bored of never-ending touring and playing to faceless crowds. Bored of the
non-stop travel to soulless cities worldwide and bored of playing the same
songs every night. He wanted a change.

So for his latest album Last Night, he rediscovered his love of New York
clubs, in particular Manhattan’s trendy Lower East side which he has called
home for the past 15 years.

His apartment in Manhattan’s Little Italy doubles as his studio. It’s the hub
of Moby’s life, where he lives, records and entertains.

Gold and platinum discs and Joy Division posters dress the walls while the
only splash of colour in the all-white space is a yellow Andy Warhol/Velvet
Underground banana cushion.

Moby tells me: